What Trump’s Bronx Speech Looked Like On The Ground

Laura Jedeed
11 min readMay 25, 2024

“I Think They’re Building An Army From Within”

There is at least one other man on the 5 train uptown who is going to where I’m going. He is stocky and wearing a black and white American flag T-shirt and carrying a black and white American flag sign that he clearly made himself that says “Trump 2020.” His face is hard and mean: to me it reads both daring and afraid. It is May 23rd, 2024, and in a few hours we will both watch Donald Trump deliver a speech at Crotona Park in The Bronx.



Laura Jedeed

Freelance journalist, filthy pleb. Politics mostly. Find my work at NYMag, Politico, Rolling Stone, New Republic, and https://bannedinyourstate.com