Project Veritas and the Surveillance State

Laura Jedeed
8 min readMar 30, 2022

Dispatches from the Project Veritas Rabbithole

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Growing up, my mother had a small quote framed over her desk:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an art, but a habit.”

I was warned, but I did not listen. Earlier this year I spent a week of my one and only life watching ten years’ worth of Project Veritas videos on double speed to prepare for an assignment, and now it’s too late. I am addicted. Obsessed. The videos drop, I watch. Pavlov’s dog needs therapy.

“In the meeting, I’m like…the Left’s reaction to [January 6], in some places, was so over the top that it gave the opening the right needed to start introducing the idea of, “Woah, these people are out of control. It’s not as big a deal as they’re making of it.” Because they were making too big a deal out of it. They were making this some organized thing that it wasn’t. And that gave the opening for the lunantics on the Right to be like “oh well, nothing happened, here it was just a peaceful bunch of toruists,” you know? But nobody wants to hear that.”

-Matthew Rosenberg

About a week ago, Project Veritas released two videos that feature undercover footage of Matthew Rosenberg, a Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist for the New York Times, in casual conversation with someone in at least two restaurants. This someone turned out…



Laura Jedeed

Freelance journalist, filthy pleb. Politics mostly. Find my work at NYMag, Politico, Rolling Stone, New Republic, and